It Happened. Enterprise Cloud Computing is Mainstream.

It Happened. Enterprise Cloud Computing is Mainstream.

We’re nearing the end of 2019, and it looks like virtually all future solutions will be built on the strengths of the cloud platform to deliver business capabilities to the end user. So basically, you can’t afford NOT to move to the cloud. In case you need a...
How VoIP Can Save Your Life in the Healthcare Industry

How VoIP Can Save Your Life in the Healthcare Industry

You know the typical telecom challenges… bad connections, poor call quality, dropped calls.  These things happen in offices everywhere. What’s worse is when it happens in an office that is literally dealing with life and death situations. Believe it or not, even...
Small Businesses are Most Vulnerable to Cybersecurity Threats

Small Businesses are Most Vulnerable to Cybersecurity Threats

October can be a scary month. Horror movies are readily available on TV and streaming services because of Halloween approaching, of course. But there is another reason why October is scary… This month is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. What is scarier than a...
How to 5G Proof Your Business

How to 5G Proof Your Business

The whole world is watching and waiting for 5G. But do we know what we are waiting for? As of last month, twenty-one US cities have already launched with at least one carrier (AT&T remains at the top for most cities launched). 5G means more bandwidth and faster...
Sprint/T-Mobile: What can we expect from the merger?

Sprint/T-Mobile: What can we expect from the merger?

Last month, the regulators at the Department of Justice agreed to let the T-Mobile/Sprint deal go through after the companies agreed to sell off pieces to Dish. Although sixteen states are now suing to stop the merger, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai formally recommended the...
What’s Driving Digital Transformation in Telecom?

What’s Driving Digital Transformation in Telecom?

We can safely say there are two main factors involved in the telecom industry’s digital awakening. But which one is the primary driver; the main catalyst for change? Well, that’s a chicken or egg kind of question. Consider the two factors: Mobile Working Forbes shows...
3 Top Cybersecurity Challenges and How to Solve Them

3 Top Cybersecurity Challenges and How to Solve Them

As cybersecurity threats are on the rise, the industry is in crisis to combat malicious attacks. The skills shortage is getting worse and companies risk losing hundreds of millions of dollars. Because talent is scarce, the cost to protect your company is high. The...
5 Easy Tips for Tidying Up Your Computer

5 Easy Tips for Tidying Up Your Computer

March 20 is the first day of spring. For me, just thinking about spring ignites energy and, as Marie Kondo would say, “sparks joy.” Afterall, spring is the season of “tidying up.” But spring cleaning shouldn’t be limited to the physical items in your home or office....
What We LOVE (and Hate) Most About Tech

What We LOVE (and Hate) Most About Tech

Valentine’s Day has me thinking about what I love most about technology. But as I was reflecting, I realized that what I love most, is also what I hate most. Maybe you can relate? Here are the top two things I LOVE and HATE about technology: Mobility How awesome is it...